Special Investment Contract

SPIC 2.0

The Special Investment Contract (SPIC) is a tool of industrial policy aimed at encouragement of investments in industrial production in Russia. The Special Investment Contract (SPIC) is a tool of industrial policy aimed at encouragement of investments in industrial production in Russia.

The investor undertakes to implement an investment project involving introduction or development and introduction of modern technology for the production of globally competitive industrial products in Russia. And the Russian Federation, the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the municipality is obliged to take measures aimed at stimulation of industrial activity, provided for by federal and regional legislation.

Support measures

  • Stability of business conditions for the investor
  • Tax exemptions
  • Gaining a status "Made in Russia" for products with a localization suspensive condition
  • Possibilities of gaining a status of sole supplier for public procurements
  • Possibility of creating infrastructure facilities by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, special conditions for the lease of land plots

Project requirements

  • the term of the SPIC is up to 15 years with investments ≤ 50 billion ₽, up to 20 years with investments > 50 billion ₽;
  • introduction of modern technology from the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • manufacture of the globally competitive products using the above-mentioned technology.