Arrangement of the production by the residents of Tasa syvlash technology park
The second phase of the facilities construction for the production of calcium hypochlorite, Khimprom PJSC
Increase in output of calcium hypochlorite (production re-equipment), Khimprom PJSC
Technical re-equipment of acetone anil manufacturing process followed by the expansion up to 1700 t/month, Khimprom PJSC
Construction of facilities for the production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) with a production capacity of 50 thousand t/year on the basis of the existing site, Volzhskaya perekis, LLC
Modernization of facilities for the production of silicone complexes followed by the increase in the output of consumable goods, Khimprom PJSC
Use of waste gas, Khimprom PJSC
Production of air bags and their components, Lenta JSC
Reconstruction of incompleted construction of Kanash elevator with the storage capacity of 16.4 thousand tons, Chuvashkhlebprodukt JSC
Arrangement of the trailers and semitrailers production, ASTRA LLC
Arrangement of polyethylene pipes production, KZSP LLC
Production of granulated coagulants with the production capacity of 10 thousand t/year, Graneko LLC