Chuvash Republic is located in the eastern part of the East European Plain on the right bank of the Volga river, between the feeders of rivers the Sura and the Sviyaga.
The republic is the part of the Volga Federal District, borders with 5 regions of the Russian Federation (Chuvashia borders with Nizhny Novgorod Oblast in the west, with the Mari El Republic in the north, with the Republic of Tatarstan in the east, with Ulyanovsk Oblast in the south, and with the Republic of Mordovia in the south-west).
Cheboksary is the capital of the Chuvash Republic
18343 m2
total area
1 167,9
thousand people population
municipal okrugs
urban okrugs
Gross Regional Product Breakdown by type of economic activity in 2020
548.9 billion rubles
gross regional product
Percentage, % | Sectors |
2,7 | Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply |
4,9 | Transportation and storage |
7,0 | Construction |
7,5 | Agriculture |
24,9 | Manufacturing |
12,7 | Wholesale and retail trade |
40,3 | Other |
Industrial complex takes a leading place in the economy of Chuvashia.
About 2.4 thousand enterprises of the republic are engaged in the industrial production.
of the Gross Regional Product
of the total tax payments to the budgetary system of the Russian Federation
of the total occupied population of the republic
of the total turnover of all organizations of the republic
In 2023 processing enterprises sold goods of their own production and provided works and services using their own resources for 430.2 billion rubles.
Industrial production index in 2023 was 127,2% in relation to 2022.
The structure of processing industries of the Chuvash Republic in 2020
16.7% production of chemicals and chemical products
production of electronic and optical products
production of motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers
production of food products, including beverages
production of electrical equipment
production of other vehicles and equipment
The agricultural complex is one of the largest and most important sectors of the republic's economy.
Index of physical volume of agricultural production in 2023 amounted to 100,2%.
The main specialization of agriculture is the production of grain, milk, eggs, potato growing, vegetables growing, meat and dairy cattle breeding, pig breeding and poultry farming.
The Chuvash Republic holds a leading position in the Volga Federal District in the production of milk, potatoes and meat.
Index of physical volume of agricultural production in 2023 amounted to 100,2%.
2nd place
in terms of production of vegetables and milk per 100 hectares in the Volga Federal District
1nd place
for the production of potatoes and hops per 100 hectares in the Volga Federal District
3th place
in terms of grain production per 100 hectares in the Volga Federal District
Foreign Economic Activity
733.9 Mio US Dollars – foreign trade turnover of the Chuvash Republic in 2023
- 132.8% in relation to 2022
- More than 83 trading partners all over the world
Amount | Percentage ratio |
264.0 Mio $ of export | 117.1% in relation to 2022 |
569.9 Mio $ of import | 143.6% in relation to 2021 |
Major exporters and importers

CJSC Avgust Company Vurnary plant of mixed compounds"

PJSC Khimprom"


PJSC Promtraktor

Perkarbonat Ltd.

JSC Cheboksary Electrical Equipment Plant

Hevel Group

JSC Shumerlya Special Vehicles Plant

JSC Yadrinmoloko

Joint Stock Company Cheboksary Production Association named after V.I. Chapaev
In the Chuvash Republic, culture is one of the factors of social stability. A system of festival movement, which involves professional art and amateur folk art, has been formed in the republic. More than 20 interregional, nationwide and world-class projects are executed every year.
In the Chuvash Republic there are:
- 6 professional theaters
- 488 public libraries
- 658 cultural-leisure institutions
- 34 museums
- Republican Center of Folk Art “Cultural Center of Tractor Manufactures"
- State Center for Cultural Heritage Protection
- Tourism Information and Cultural Center
The territory of the Chuvash Republic is rich in cultural heritage sites, 699 have a status of historical and cultural monuments, of which:
monuments of architecture and town planning
historical monuments
public art monuments
monuments of archeology
There are 12 educational institutions of higher learning in the Chuvash Republic.
The biggest institutes of higher education: the Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov, the Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after I.Y. Yakovlev, the Chuvash State Agricultural University, Cheboksary Cooperative Institute (branch) of Russian University of Cooperation, Cheboksary Institute (branch) of Moscow Polytechnic University.
Образовательные учреждения
- 18 professional educational institutions
- 100 institutions for supplementary education of children
- 384 general educational institutions
- 15 state educational institutions, implementing adaptive principal educational programs
- 4 centers for orphaned children and children without parental support
- 298 preschool educational establishments that carry out educational activities on educational programs of preschool education, child minding
Public Health Service
High-quality and available health care is a priority of the state policy of the Chuvash Republic.
- Development of mobile forms of health care (mobile medical teams)
- High-qualified personnel
- Introduction of modern technologies for diagnosis and treatment
- 8 regional projects under national program “Health Care”
- Chuvashia is in the top five regions in terms of digital maturity of healthcare in the republic
Three-level system of health care
- 11 republican health clinic
- 14 interterritorial medical centers
- 102 primary care clinics, 540 feldsher's station (including 21 mobile ones), 122 general practice doctor units and outpatient clinics, 18 central regional hospitals
- branches of federal medical centers: FSAU "NMIC "MNTC "Eye Microsurgery named after Academician S.N. Fedorov" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Endoprosthetics" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Housing construction is one of the priorities of the state policy. The main directions for the development of this sector are increasing the housing affordability, increasing the housing quantity and modernization of facilities of communal infrastructure.
billion rubles
amount of the executed works in 2023.
780,7 thousand sq.m.
delivered housing units
The Chuvash Republic is a magnificent area in the Volga region with an interesting combination of antiquity and modernity. The attractiveness of Chuvashia as a region favorable for the development of domestic and inbound tourism is determined by its favorable economic and geographical location, natural and recreational, cultural and historical potential.
types of tourism
travel firms and 11 tour operators
hotels and other means of accommodation
health resort institutions
modern physical education and sports institutions
- Tourism recreational cluster “Ethnic Chuvashia”
- Tourism cluster “Chuvashia is the heart of Volga”
Annual events
- International Opera Festival named after M.D. Mikhailov
- International Ballet Festival
- Asamat International Fireworks Festival
- Cheboksary International Film Festival
- All-Russian National Folk Festival Springs of Russia (Rodniki Rossii)
- Interregional exhibition Regions –cooperation without borders
- Cheboksary Economic Forum
- All-Russian Festival Hospitable Chuvashia
- All-Russian festival "Green Gold of Russia"